Ensuring A Smooth Recovery From Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Dr. Massoomi will make your wisdom teeth removal recovery as simple as possible. You will be provided with specific, written post-operative instructions so that you can start your speedy recovery as soon as you get home!
Immediately after the procedure, you will be monitored in our recovery room before you are discharged home. We will discuss with you and your ride the written post-operative instructions, that details how to take care of yourself and how to take all your prescription medications. Unlike other offices, you will ALWAYS have a follow-up appointment 7- 10 days after surgery to ensure that you are healing appropriately.
Each individual reacts differently to any surgery, but rest assured that we will be here during every step of your wisdom teeth removal recovery. Dr. Massoomi will make himself available at anytime if there is any issue. All that is needed is for you to call the appropriate number and they will get in touch with him immediately.
As with any medical procedure, there can be unanticipated complications which are very uncommon. Some of these complications may be short-term such as a dry sockets or an infection which may require additional medication or some sort of surgical intervention. In some cases the complications may be long-term due to damage to the IAN sensory nerve or sinus communication due to delay in seeking treatment in a timely fashion. In either case, we as always we do our best to prevent and avoid an unanticipated complications but will do our best to take care of things
Dry Socket
Dry socket is one of the most commonly asked question during the consultation appointment. This phenomenon can arise due to a premature loss of a blood clot that naturally develops in the extraction site, leaving the extraction site empty. This typically occurs on 3-5 day after surgery and more common in smokers. Thankfully in our practice this is a very rare phenomenon because we suture EVERY extraction site closed in order to bring the soft tissue back to its natural position. With minimally-invasive surgical technique, optimal intraop and postop medications, we have had one patient in the past 10 years with dry socket! That is an incidence of less than 0.01%. We track all postop incidences in order to improve patient outcomes. We are constantly employing the latest scientific recommendations to reduce post-operative complications.
If you notice a deep, dull, and continuous ache on the 3 to the 5th day that is not alleviated despite the prescribed pain medications; please give our office a call. We may need to see you to determine if you are truly having a dry socket or there may be something else going on. If you do have a true dry socket, we may apply a medicament to the extraction site which usually helps to alleviate the pain. As long as we can control the pain, the dry socket will eventually heal on its own, but will take longer than usual.
Post-operative Infection
Occasionally, a postop infection may occur. This typically occurs at least 1-3 weeks after surgery, since you are typically covered with antibiotics around the time of surgery. These types of infection are more common in patients that present to our office with an infected third molars prior to surgery or have poor oral hygiene after surgery and do not follow the post-operative instructions. A post-operative infection requires that you return to the office so that we can provide you with the required treatment. Dr. Massoomi will likely prescribe the appropriate antibiotic and/or perform a minor procedure in the mouth to clear the infection. We will do everything you can to restore your wellbeing if a post-operative infection occurs.
PRGF for a Rapid Recovery
It is important to us to give you an easy wisdom teeth removal recovery. Dr. Massoomi is proud to provide the PRGF system to minimize patient recovery time.
Plasma Rich in Growth Factor (PRGF) is a system that utilizes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to accelerate the healing process. After obtaining your IV access, we will remove a small amount of your blood and use the plasma proteins to create a concentrated solution. We apply this solution to the extraction site in measured doses to stimulate your body’s natural healing process. Dr. Massoomi is one of the few oral surgeons in Northern California to offer this technique. He attended a special course a few years ago in order to be able to offer this service. We are proud to provide our patients with this technique in order to accelerate their healing after surgery. With PRGF, you can complete your smile sooner and enjoy an easier recovery, with pain and less bruising. Dr. Massoomi can be found on the BTI technology website as a recognized center: http://bti-biotechnologyinstitute.com/patients/recognized-centres/search/
Avoid Dry Sockets and Infection with Dr. Massoomi as Your Wisdom Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Guide
Years of experience make Dr. Massoomi a great choice when deciding who to turn to for your wisdom teeth removal. Dr. Massoomi will work with you to minimize the risk of wisdom teeth dry sockets or infection. For a comfortable wisdom tooth removal procedure and recovery, contact our San Francisco or Cupertino office today!