ER’s seeing more patients with Dental problems

Categories: Blog
ER visits 2000-2010

In the most recent issue of the ADA news, the lead article discussed the increase in ER visits with patients having dental problems, with an estimated cost to the system between 867 mil to 2.1 billion :… We have also noted the same trend in our practices as well.   We are seeing more patients…

Food Allergies – Tips, Treatment and Prevention

Categories: Blog
Food Allergies JAMA Aug 2013 JPG

Today there was a CNN news report of a child that passed away from a food allergy: This is one of the reasons were are adamant about taking a detailed allergy history when we see our patients.  Below you will a recent article on this very topic in the Journal of the American Medical Association…

The Natural Beauty of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Categories: Blog

You don’t have to put up with unsightly metal fillings any more with the development and use of natural-colored fillings, which are undetectable to the eye. Properly restored teeth with these types of fillings function and wear normally, appearing indistinguishable from natural teeth. And scientific studies and clinical experience have validated their use as safe…

Jaw Pain after a Fall…What You Should Do

Categories: Blog

Are you experiencing persistent pain in your jaw after a fall that won’t go away or is getting worse? The first and most important tip is to schedule an appointment with our office! There are many reasons for jaw pain; however, you need a professional to understand what happened and evaluate your pain. By having…

Saving Lives One Oral Cancer Screening at a Time

Categories: Oral Cancer

Oral cancer remains the 6th deadliest cancer, with 35,000 cases discovered yearly in the United States alone, and only half of those patients surviving 5 years post-diagnosis. The high death rates for oral cancer are contributed to the fact patients do not generally detect signs or symptoms until it has advanced and further metastasizes. Fortunately,…

Treating Tooth and Pulp Decay with Stem Cell?

Categories: Blog

Not sure if you are all aware but at SVSA and SFSA we are using stem cells to regrow bone in areas of the mouth devastated by infection and/or injury.  Now it seems others are also using it to treat the inside of a tooth that has been infected – hence avoiding the need to…

Gum disease or periodontitis can raise your blood sugar level!

Categories: Blog

In the latest addition of the Journal of the American Dental Association they summarized the findings at a recent meeting of top experts in the dental and diabetes research community around the world.  They found that in comparing with those with healthy gums, people with severe gum disease – have higher long-term blood sugar levels (A1c);…