We commonly have patients and/or parents question why we obtain a panorex as part of our comprehensive assessment for oral surgical procedures. A panorex is an x–ray that provides a full view of the upper and lower jaws, teeth, temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and sinuses. Without this critical piece of data, we can sometimes miss pathologic…
Root Resorption
Is that the Easter bunny?

No, its not. Those are diverging roots on a fully developed third molar in an adult patient that came to our office in pain for the extraction of his third molars in his 30’S. Three roots with that level of divergence is a bit unusual and unexpected, especially since it was not clearly visible even…
Dental Implants & Your Teenager, Timing Is Everything!

When it comes to permanently replacing a teenager’s missing tooth, timing is everything. As a parent or caregiver, of course you want what’s best, and an implant provides the highest quality of life in addition to being the best long-term solution…so why should you and your child have to wait? The most important reason…
Root Resorption due to delay in treating an impacted canine….

Can you tell which tooth has extensive external resorption? Recently it seems I am have many patients referred for implants to replace teeth that are deemed non-restorable due to root resorption. Many wonder what is root resorption and whether they there was something that initiated it…