If you are about to have a permanent tooth extracted, understanding the options is critical as implants and bridgework both have their pros and cons. An implant is actually a root replacement; however, unlike the root of a tooth, the implant actually fuses to the jawbone with a permanent crown attached to it. Implants function…
Dental Implants & Your Teenager, Timing Is Everything!
When it comes to permanently replacing a teenager’s missing tooth, timing is everything. As a parent or caregiver, of course you want what’s best, and an implant provides the highest quality of life in addition to being the best long-term solution…so why should you and your child have to wait? The most important reason…
Jaw Pain after a Fall…What You Should Do
Categories: Blog
Are you experiencing persistent pain in your jaw after a fall that won’t go away or is getting worse? The first and most important tip is to schedule an appointment with our office! There are many reasons for jaw pain; however, you need a professional to understand what happened and evaluate your pain. By having…