Carbs or fat?  

Dr Massoomi butter

Do you cut here   OR Are you considering a weight-loss program?  That can be confusing for anyone.  Some recommend fat restriction, while others recommend cutting the carbohydrates.  So which one is it?  A research team led by Dr. Kevin Hall of NIH’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) conducted a study…

Common Causes of Facial Trauma

Categories: Blog
types of facial trauma

Injuries to the face and mouth are emotionally upsetting as well as physically damaging. It’s extremely important to have medical and dental care by experts who know how to address the psychological, medical, and aesthetic elements of recovery. This blog will cover the most common causes of facial trauma and the types of injures that may occur. As with most injuries, prevention is the best medicine, so we will cover tips in avoiding facial trauma all together!

Facial pain anyone?

Categories: Blog
Dr Massoomi Facial pain

  According to the latest JADA edition, (JADA 146(10) October 2015), Dr. Horst and colleagues presented some really interesting data on facial pain. Honestly, there is not a single day in my practice that I do not see a patient with a chief complaint of oral or facial pain (= Orofacial pain).   According to…

Tips for Reducing Scarring After Facial Surgery

Categories: Blog
Tips for Reducing Scarring After Facial Surgery

Facial lacerations can be a scary situation for anyone. That is why it’s best to visit experts, like us, who have experience in treating and repairing facial injuries and trauma. However, we know that your recovery doesn’t end the moment you leave our doors. We want you to have the best outcome following surgery, which is why we’re writing this to answer some of your most common questions and to give you our best tips for treating your wound as it heals.