Thankfully most of us in the U.S. have not seen anyone with Measles, but it was not too long ego when this was a very common and very contagious disease. Thankfully due to vaccinations, we thought we has eliminated this lethal disease in the U.S. in 2000 BUT…recently, there have been 11 measles outbreaks in the US in 2013 (see map) and even one of the largest outbreaks in Ohio this year.
This is due to the fact that some parents are foregoing vaccinations for their children out of fear that it may cause diseases such as Autism….even though the majority of the scientific research shows otherwise.
So in order to protect your children, make sure you vaccinate and be aware of where you live. Have there been recent outbreaks or in the past? Is there a “culture” in your area not to vaccinate? If so, at least know the signs and what to look for. Here is a great summary from OH Dept of Health: